Soha ne feledkezzünk meg a híres latin mondásról: Borban az igazság!
Ha Magyarországon, ebben a "hagyományőrző, hagyománytisztelő", szép országban töltessz pár napot, szállj meg "hagyományos szép szálláshelyen" és ha van rá lehetőséged, ne mást igyál, csak "hagyományos eljárással készült, tradicionális", szép MAGYAR BOROKAT!
Ibn-Rostech, the Arabian writer mentions Hungarian vine growing already in his Xth century chronicle. Vine growing and wine production after the Original Settlement of the Magyars was based upon three things: the Greek-Celtic tradition, the Roman tradition, and the knowledge of the Hungarians brought along from the East.
Visit some of the 22 Hungarin wine regions to get first-hand experience about the country's great
variety of wines.
These regions boast not only with excellent quality wines but beautiful scenery and interesting
sights. Besides wine tasting the major Hungarian wine regions have colourful programs to enterteain visitors.
From the Hungarian wines those from Somló and from Tokaj appear in the formularies. China jars with their names on them can be seen in the pharmacies even today. Books about the health-giving effects of wine were already written in the antiquity. It was used for the treatment of wounds, against headache and for curing gastric diseases. Hippocrates, the father of medicine considered it useful and recommended it as well. Pliny devoted a book to medicinal wines.
TovábbOld Testament
(Genesis, 9. 20-21.)Noah, who was the first tiller of the soil, planted a vineyard. He drank so much of the wine that he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent.
A French gourmand was talking to the Prince of Wales about the art of wine-drinking.
At a great wine we look at its play in the glass, breathe in its fragrance and then...
- We drink it! - the prince interrupted.
- Oh, no, prince - the gourmand went on - first we talk about it.
(Grimod de la Reyniere)
As for the territorial structure of vine varieties - considering wine-grapes giving white, quality wines - the Italian Riesling stands on the first place. It is followed by the Müller-Thurgau (Rizlingszilváni) then the Furmint. Considering wine-grapes giving red, quality wines the Kékfrankos is the most widespread. It is followed by the Zweigelt, the Kékoportó and the Cabernet Sauvignon. The white- and the blue grape varieties are arranged according to ripening order.
TovábbGeneral Rules of the Harmony of Wines and Dishes
Wines, Dishes, Colours and Flavours
The perception and assessment of flavours, bouquets and aromas is governed by the combined effects of complex physical, physiological, psychological, emotional, symbolic and cultural factors.
TovábbWine and fish
What wine should be selected for fish?
For many of us, the answer is very simple: only white wine goes with fish. But it is not quite that simple. Save for a few exceptions, the basic flavour of fish is weak and neutral, with a slight, sweet aftertaste. Therefore fish is prepared with base materials, spices and sauces which have more aroma and flavour.
TovábbWine and cheese
Camembert and brie cheeses
Their fat contents is usually high - 45-47% -, most of them are made of pasteurised cow-milk. Light dry champagne and white wines poor in alcohol and acid are recommended to them.
TovábbServing wine
The way of serving wine is very important in the wine culture.Wine is served by certain rules implying the selection of wine and presentation of the bottle containing wine,opening the bottle,pouring wine with previously adjusted temperature in the proper glasses and moderate wine consumption without exceeding the bounds of drunkeness.
TovábbTel: +36-30-954-7851
- Budapestapartments: Hagyjon üzenetet, amint tudjuk visszahívjuk.